Movie Review: Jack Ryan – Shadow Recruit *****

movie review jack ryan shadow recruit

Tom Clancy created Jack Ryan and Harrison Ford played the part in several movies. Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit is a modernized telling of how the familiar character became who he is. Now, Chris Penn is a young Jack Ryan in 21st century America whose college life changes during the terrorist attack on 9/11. He joins the Marines and gets injured during action in Afghanistan. During his recovery, he gets approached by a shadowy figure who enlists his intellect and patriotism to find money transfers that could be funding terrorist plots. He covertly watches money exchanges by becoming a banking auditor on Wall Street. Suspicious monetary transactions are affecting the American dollar in a positive way when domestic events lead most to believe the economy should be declining. Upon further analysis, a plot is uncovered that could collapse the US economy. Jack is sent overseas to try to prevent the event from occurring.

The movie moves very quickly. Each segment is created and explained very well so we can follow the process of a CIA recruit who can tell no one of his real purpose while trying to live a normal life. The good guys, bad guys, and minor characters on both sides are very well played. The story is very well told. I was entertained. 5 out of 5 stars.

Published in: on January 31, 2014 at 8:21 am  Leave a Comment  
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