Curb Your Enthusiasm Presents the Seinfeld Reunion on HBO

It took the entire season of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” on HBO to get to the finished production of the “Seinfeld Reunion”, but it was worth it.  Of course, there really isn’t a new episode of Seinfeld, but we get to see what may or may not go on when writers and actors collaborate to create a program.

The premise of the “Curb” side of the show is that Larry wants to get his ex-wife Cheryl back. He devises a plan to woo her by casting her as a new character in a Seinfeld reunion show who will play George Costanza’s ex-wife, “Amanda”. Because of conflicts on and off the set, the script gets made-over and redone. The plot follows Larry’s missteps with his wife on “Curb” to the missteps of George’s character on “Seinfeld”. At one point George quits and Larry fills in.  He knows he can do the character because, as Larry says, “I’m George”.

The reunion show centers around George and Amanda. Since we last saw him, George has become a multi millionaire by selling a smart phone app that only George could create. In the ensuing divorce, Amanda gets half. In the following months, George loses it all to Bernie Madolf investments, but Amanda had withdrawn her money before the Ponzie Scheme was exposed leaving her with all of her divorce settlement intact. George wants her (and his money) back, and it get funnier.

I could not have imagined a better way to get the Seinfeld gang back together. The idea of creating a reunion show that wasn’t a reunion show was the ultimate way to get the characters back on TV just one more time. The script played out extremely well, and I am happy. I’ll be watching reruns of this season from the couch at the Munro House for a long time. I am sure I will continue to laugh at all the jokes to which I already know the punchlines.

Published in: on December 8, 2009 at 10:28 am  Leave a Comment  
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